Sunday, January 27, 2013

Clay Sculptures


I started off just playing with the clay which was green earthenware clay. Then it started to look kind of a dolphin so I made a Dolphin (my favourite animal).


This Turtle is part of the same project I did with the dolphin in grade 11. I made this turtle with Polymer Clay. My theme was a beach theme so I decided I would make a Turtle. 

I also made other beach related things that went with the theme (beach) that I made.


This project is one of my most recent one. It is made out of Polymer Clay. The kangaroo sculpture's actual size from head to toe is about 9.5 cm; from toe to tail is about 12 cm and from the widest part of the sculpture (width) is about 4.5 cm.


A Cartoon Flamingo Scenery!! 

This is the latest project I did. What I did was I took a 3D frame and I cut the pieces out and painted them with watercolour. I made it to look like a scene of when a flamingo is eating when the sun is setting. I chose a sunset because I like sunsets and they look nice. 


Cartoon Tiger!!

This project is the first one I did in the beginning of grade 12. I learned some techniques to make the colour blend more nicely. You have to colour in small circle motion and you have to put many layers of colours.


Self Portrait!! 

Hands and Feet!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Artist Statement

As a kid, I have always liked to watch cartoons and animation like Pokémon. I would try to copy the characters from the children's books that I used to read, but it didn't go too well because I didn't know how to draw that good yet and I would give up. I didn't have the patience for it.  Later, when I was older, I would take drawing books and learn how to draw characters properly and take drawing lessons. I started off by drawing my favourite Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh. Then I went on and learn how to shade with colour. Now, I would take picture as reference and create my own thing.
How cartoons are created has always interested me, especially if it’s in 3-D. I have always wondered how they put together characters and make them come alive. I find it amazing how animation works. I recently learn that there is a lot that goes into making each and every animated movie/ TV shows that comes out. A lot of long hours of hard work put in it. 
For the past 4-5 years I have been going to drawing lessons every Saturday to help me understand how to use different media and how to use  the different techniques that there is for each media. I have learned how to do shading, how to draw people, watercolour and acrylic. My favourite media I like to use is simply a plain pencil. I like it because I find it easy to use and it's quick. You wouldn't need to bring a lot of other art supplies that goes with it.  Sketching is one of my favourite things to do, so that is why I Pencil is my favourite media. 
Things that inspire me to make art are animals and nature. The materials I use depend on the project I am working on. I begin a piece by thinking of a design and what I want it to be like (choosing a theme). Then I would choose the media by what it's going to be like. For example, if I was working on a scene with a flamingo in it, I would choose to either use colour pencil or watercolour I would choose to use colour pencil or watercolour because I would be able to show the details of the feather on the flamingo.
What I like best about animation is not only the animations/ cartoons. Going to animation will not only help me be organized, but it will help me be creative, see things differently and see potential in ideas that other people don't see. When people see my work, I'd like them to see that it's loving, sweet, and cute. But if the project asks for something opposite of what I normally do (like dark and gloomy) I would do it but they would be able to tell because there would that cute side to it.
Currently I am in High School taking art classes to expand on what I know and learn more about the different media there is to use to make animation happen, like flash, learning the proportion of a person, and de-constructing things like, animals.  In the near future, I hope to be working at an animation company making movies/ TV shows for people.